Thursday, March 1, 2012

A comedy with interesting insights

This is not a typical slow moving French movie, although there isnothing wrong with those when they are good,it is relatively paced andfull of comedy overtones and witty dialogs. Sophie is beautiful andcharming as ever so I definitely recommend it to her fans. She deliversa solid performance with a nice supporting cast although maybe thecharacters are a bit clichés...alright, alright very clichés...

However, clichés are clichés for a reason and they convey loud andclear messages as intended to all public. The movie and its storyremain quite original and combine wit, imagination and a lot more depththan the characters do. Although it is mostly a comedy it has the rightscenes to create a roller-coaster in the emotions and manages to getsome tears in the audience's eye in the proper moments.

What I liked most of all in the movie is its ability to push you torethink your life and the way you live it. It forces you to reconsiderif you have been paying the right amount of attention to the deservingpeople in your life, if you have settled from your ambitions, if youhave sold out or stayed true to yourself. It also refrains from makingharsh judgments and lets you ponder on your own, does not make the callfor you. The world needs all kinds of people to go around...

Overall it is a good movie that manages to entertain and get youthinking about your existence as it intends to do. I recommend this topeople who feel they might still be searching for themselves or arehaving second thoughts about their important decisions.