Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Life-changing Fight Club

I am, unfortunately, not one of the faithful Chuck Palahniuk readers who hadread the book BEFORE they saw the movie. I, however, couldn't wait to readthe book after seeing this film. I've read the book 5 times since and seenthe movie more times than I can remember.

Simply put, this movie changed my life. Not just on a personal level (onwhich I will not comment here except to say I'm now a major Palahniuk fan)but also as a movie-watcher. I view movies differently after seeing thismovie, because it broke down doors.

This movie is literally the first time I ever came upon something that, atfirst sight seemed incredibly stylish, sophisticated and entertaining. Theplot lured you in before turning you upside down, the acting was nothingshort of perfect (has there ever been a more memorable character than BradPitt as Tyler Durden?), the music, the screenplay (based on what is now myall-time favorite book), the lighting, the pacing, the everything! Virtuallyeverything about this movie took my by surprise, save for one man.

David Fincher, director, was probably the only reason I went to see thismovie in the first place. His work on 'Seven' and 'The Game' had me excitedto see what he would do next, but I came to this movie expecting a stylishflick that offered a good plot and hopefully some good acting but what I gotwas so much, much more.

Honestly, how many times have you seen a movie that, with every viewing,gets even more complicated yet so simple that you can't help but laugh.Every time I watch this movie I notice something new about it, such is thedepth of what is on the screen. Then there's the tiny issue of the story ofFight Club, penned by Chuck Palahniuk (who has one of the most fertileimaginations around. Don't believe me? Read 'Survivor' and weep!) the storyis nothing short of incredible, a pure shock-value social commentary on thestate of the world at the end of the century. You'll cry, you'll laugh,you'll do all the clichés but most importantly you'll identify with everysingle thing on the screen.

This movie rates as one of my all-time favorite movies and, simply put, ifyou haven't seen it yet then quit wasting your time OnLine and get to thenearest videostore!