Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Gilliam's Masterpiece of MadnessJust kidding

Just kidding, I rented 12 Monkeys the other day because I am a hugeBruce Willis fan and I heard some things about the film. Some good andsome bad, but it was one of those films you had to pay attention toevery second, so I was a bit worried. Just because I felt like for aminute if this was going to be one of those films that I had to watchseveral times to get. But I watched it last night and I was reallyimpressed, this movie had everything in it: action, drama, sci-fi,history, dark humor, and even a little romance. The actors all did aterrific job, I give a lot of credit to Bruce, during his scene in thecar with his psychiatrist, he really got to me. But Brad Pitt, I'm justamazed with how much of a great job he did. He didn't over do hischaracter, who was crazy, and just made it work and was extremelybelievable. The story was just scary, but very good and a wake up call.

James Cole is a man in the future where a virus broke out in the pastand killed 5 billion people and only 1% of the population survivedincluding him. Animals are now ruling the ground above while the humansare down below, but scientists send James to the past of 1990(reallymeaning to send him to '96), to find out about information of thevirus. James gets put into a mental institution meeting his newpsychiatrist, Dr. Kathryn Raily and another mental patient, JeffreyGoines. He tells them the future, of course no one believes him, hegoes back to the future. But the scientists send him back to thecorrect year to where the doctor is kidnapped by James, but he tellsher more, and believes him. Now they are set on trying to prevent thevirus from ever happening.

12 Monkeys was an incredible film. Like I said the story was so scaryjust because it's not at all hard to believe that we are not far fromthat happening. But the whole movie was just great, the cast, the sets,just the whole picture was a great one. It had a Terminator type offeel to it where we might loose something precious one day, ourselvesif we don't listen to others. What is right and what is wrong? Whoknows? But I would highly recommend 12 Monkeys, it's a great movie thatif you give it the proper chance, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.