I was pleasantly surprised by this film--I never heard about it until I found a DVD copy. Since I love both Sophie Marceau and Vincent Perez, I decided to purchase the copy. It has a strange (quirky!) plot about a man who wants to keep his love affair forever fresh and so he makes a vow to woo the girl of his dreams but at the same time, maintains a distance so that his desire for her would never wane or turn sour. Question is, can he keep it up? It reminded me of a line from the song--"The Impossible Dream"..."...to love pure, and chaste, from afar..." And life throws us into situations we can't just control... Watch this lovely film and see the chemistry between the 2 leading actors. Although the film revolves entirely on them, it remains interesting to end--it leaves the viewer wondering whether they will end up together or not. (I don't want to spoil it for you, so you have to watch it yourself.) And this is the first film of Vincent Perez that I've watched where he doesn't die or get killed! Yey!